This system would be ideal if everyone was born with the same (or similar) supply of tokens. Once the blockchain will become a mass phenomenon big money and power will colonise it by owning most of the tokens and manipulate all processes where decisions that have an effect on power are taken. Unfortunately we cannot count on people taking decisions and expressing opinions independently. Look at influencer marketing for example, it became pretty much a marketplace in which you can buy the opinion of people and it’s all legal, without requirement to reveal your bias.
Within our system the 1% more wealthy owns like the remaining 99%, and it’s getting worst. The impression is that blockchain seriously risks to aggravate inequality and to lead to a totalitarian nightmare (those who have power will exponentially increase their potential for control).
In a socialist society though this can foster the progress of humankind as long as wealth (tokens) are distributed more evenly. I also dispute the necessity of attributing to tokens a monetary value: as much as decades of capitalism may have led us to think so, founding our societies on greed is not an inevitable choice. Tokens for example could have community value. You help in the community? You are nice to people? People will give you recognition in form of kudos. All would posses a regular supply of kudos as birth right. The more kudos you gain, the more you’ll receive help from your community in times of need. Karmic law translated in tokens.
It’s time to dethrone money as our only god. It is useful and needed but it can’t keep being our only horizon, our system is not even sustainable and endangers life on Earth.
We need to start to assign value to things that don’t produce profit but are fundamental for the survival and well being of our species: education, parenting, helping each other, resource sharing, preserving the environment etc. I want a future where people get rewarded by simply being good parents who spend time with their kids, or for throwing their garbage in the right place. Considering that AI will take care of production and most of our jobs as we go on, we can certainly afford to design a society where people main occupation is to follow their call no matter if it doesn’t produce profit and trying to be a nice human.
We live in a world of unprecedented abundance and opportunities but most people are getting poorer and poorer. Blockchain should be an instrument of fair distribution of wealth (see Unconditional Basic Income), a promise of freedom, not of further enslavement.